نظافة اليدين: ما أهمية تشجيع الأطفال على غسل أيديهم؟

The children's songs at school aim to teach them human and social values. Let's also teach them how to wash their hands with a fun and wonderful song that we may have written. why not?
- To make your hands clean
- Wash with soap and water
- Rub the palms softly
- And between the fingers too
- rub, rub, rub
It is important to teach our children to wash their hands from an early age because it protects them from bacteria and germs that surround them. But in reality they don't always wash their hands even if they know how to do it, they don't always take the time to do it and they need reminding and persuasion. Our kids don't always like washing hands because it delays them from doing more exciting things like playing and eating. So a good strategy is to make hand washing fun by doing songs or telling stories.
Why is hand washing so important?
It is undoubtedly the best way to protect our children from getting sick and prevent germs. Here are some examples of how germs spread:
- Touching dirty hands
- Water or food contamination
- Mist spread during coughing or sneezing
- Contaminated surfaces such as floors, door handles, public places
- Contact with a sick person
يمكن للجراثيم أن تدخل جسم طفلنا عندما تكون الأيدي متسخة ولكن قد تدخل أيضاً عندما يأكل أو يفرك أعينه، أنفه أو فمه. من المتعارف عليه أنه بمجرد إصابة أحد أفراد العائلة تنتشر العدوى بين العائلة.
يمكن قتل حوالي ٥١٪ من فيروسات البرد والإنفلونزا عن طريق غسل اليدين بشكل صحيح ٣ مرات في اليوم على الأقل.
هل هناك طريقة صحيحة لغسل اليدين؟
يكون غسل اليدين فعالاً فقط في قتل الجراثيم إذا تم القيام به بشكل فعال. القاعدة الذهبية غسل اليدين ٣ مرات في اليوم على الأقل، ولمدة ٢٠ ثانية في كل مرة.
يجب أن نتأكد من غسل أطفالنا لأيديهم:
- قبل تناول الطعام وتحضير الطعام
- قبل وبعد استخدام الحمّام
- بعد تنظيف المنزل
- بعد لمس الحيوانات والحيوانات الأليفة
- بعد زيارة أو رعاية الأصدقاء أو الأقارب المرضى
- بعد السعال أو العطس أو تنظيف الأنف
- بعد القدوم من الخارج - اللعب، الاهتمام بنباتات الحديقة والمشي مع الكلب
Using soap and water is very effective for cleaning hands but if this is not available or on hand, hand sanitizers are also effective in eliminating the majority of germs.
Here's an effective hand-washing routine that teaches our kids to make sure their hands are properly cleaned and thus free of germs.
1. Wash hands with warm water. Make sure the water isn't too hot for their little hands.
2. Use soap and scrub your hands with it for 10 to 15 seconds. Be sure to scrub between the fingers and under the nails, where germs hide and spread. Make sure they don't forget to wash their wrists too!
3. Rinse and dry hands well with a clean towel.
Dear mother, the power of hand washing should not be tolerated. The few seconds we need to wash our children's hands may save us several visits to the doctor. Also, the sooner our children learn good personal hygiene, the more likely it will become a habit in their lives.